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Create Test Payment

Creating a Test Payment (createTestPayment) allows you to verify the functionality of your webhook endpoint, token, parameters, and all necessary informations.

This process closely mimics a real payment. However, note that you can only pay using faucets within the Sepolia Test Network (Native SepoliaETH Coin & ERC-20 Faucet Tokens).

How to obtain these faucets?


In order to create a test payment, you will need:

  • Your API Token: abcd... which can be found in your dashboard here.
  • The action: createTestPayment
  • Your desired amount in dollars: 10

It's crucial to keep your API Token confidential. Tokens should never be exposed in front-end code. It's advised to make the API request server-side to prevent parameter tampering and token leaks.

The HTTPS Request

To initiate a test payment, make a GET request to, including the required parameters.

You can test it within your browser!

Using Code

const amount = 10;
const endpoint = '' + YOUR_API_TOKEN + '&action=createTestPayment&amount=' + amount;

.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.json();
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

The HTTPS Response

Upon successful execution, you should receive a JSON response similar to:

// Response indicating a successful request
"request_status": "success",
"message": "Your payment has been successfully created!",
"paymentID": "XXXXXXXXXX"

Upon failed execution, you should receive a JSON response similar to:

// Response indicating a failed request
"request_status": "error",
"message": "Invalid API token, action, or amount. Please check your input parameters."

A valid paymentID for test payments will consist of 10 letters only.

Forwarding the user

To proceed with the payment, redirect the user to, appending the newly generated paymentID as the paymentID parameter.

URL Example:

// Replace XXXXXXXXXX by the paymentID received within the response Test Payment Website

Please select your currency for your $10 Payment.

Logo Ethereum
